Green Week 2021

Finding the green hero in you

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The Green Week 2021 was an amazing week filled with activities organised by TGD, Studium Generale and the Go Green Office. As part of the TUE65 Lustrum Agenda, the theme for the week was “Finding the Green Hero in you”. But one thing was clear: the ‘you’ is not just directed towards ourselves, but also towards governments and corporates. It taught us that in order to prevent climate disruption, it requires a collective effort from everyone!

From Rob Greenfield to Feike Sijbesma, all aspects of sustainability were explored…

The Green Week kicked off with a lecture given by Kaj Morel, lecturer at the Avans Expertise Center for Sustainable Business, on purpose economy, one element of which is true pricing, which reflects not only economic value but also the social and environmental cost of a product. This was followed by sessions with Feike Sijbesma (Former CEO of DSM) and Robert Metzke (Head of Sustainability at Philips), highlighting the importance for corporates to change fundamentally towards sustainability.

With all that said, you don’t have to become the CEO of a multinational to change the world, you can also start with yourself! Inspiring examples were presented during the week, such as the screening of the documentary I Am Greta, about the young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, which followed by a Q&A with the director Nathan Grossman. Diana Leeflang brought her experiences as an influencer to promote sustainable fashion, leading to the clothing swap held at the end of the week! Rob Greenfield, the American activist and adventurer, shares his work that aims to inspire you to get a deeper understanding of the life that you are living and offer you solutions you can adapt to help make a better change for the world. The Vegan Student Association hosted a cook-along in order to share the wonders of a vegan lifestyle.

Inspiration can also be found right here at the TU/e, evidenced by the panel discussion with six student teams and TU/e spin-offs pursuing a sustainable objective, namely: CASA, CORE, Energy, Lightyear, SOLID and VIRTUe, sharing their views on how students can make a difference. University Rebellion then rounded off the week with a panel discussion that hopes to address a reform in education, one that moves toward environmental and social responsibility.

The schedule as well as the links to watch the events back can be found in the Go Green Office website at this link!